Sometimes we can find an outdated or illegal content when we search for a query on Google and which is no more beneficial to us or anyone. Google have tool to remove such outdated content called remove outdated content tool. Using this tool we can remove it easily from Google SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) but you should be clear about the link and content.
Note :
* The request you are submitting works only for pages or images that have already been modified, or removed from the web.
* You need to submit another request (click here), if you want to remove any kind of personal information or content with legal issues.
* Make sure to enter the exact URL. To get the URL : Click on the title and copy the URL from the URL bar of the browser.
* If the request you have submitted is successful, snippet and cached result will be removed from the Google Search results.
* You need to submit another request (click here), if you want to remove any kind of personal information or content with legal issues.
* Make sure to enter the exact URL. To get the URL : Click on the title and copy the URL from the URL bar of the browser.
* If the request you have submitted is successful, snippet and cached result will be removed from the Google Search results.
Steps to submit a Request to Remove an Outdated Content from Google
- Go to the Remove outdated content page – Click Here (login to your google account).
- Here you will see a text input box. Paste the URL of page or image that you find outdated or illegal and click on Request Removal option. Now Google will analyse the URL and if the link is found deleted, then a pop up box appears by saying "This Content is gone" and under that there will be two options : Request Removal , Close. Click on Request Removal. Done !
- Now you must wait for 4-5 days. If the Google founds it correct, the requested URL will be removed from it’s SERPs. If it is not removed, you will get a message regarding to it.
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